Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I see little beyond than what is today. Sure I have my plans, my meetings, my Sunday morning. I have got some stuff going on. God can totally flip my world in one second, within minutes He changed the plans for the rest of “my” year. Not to be morbid but I could die this very minute. I have little control over this life. He does give me a choice though. He gives me a lot of choices.

He gives me the choice to obey His commands, do I follow? Well yeah I want to. I really want to follow Him. With my life.

I am overwhelmed though.

I cannot see beyond today, beyond this minute. Do I let go of my worry, if we put a name to it I suppose that is what it is. Worry. Do I let go? Yeah, I want to cause it is sin. “Do not worry”
He makes the flowers more beautiful than I could ever dress and I worry about what is going on my back.
He sustains the life of a fly and I am worried about the life that is so called mine.
I do not have to worry, cause guess what, it is not about me. None of it.

It puts a big knot in my throat thinking about this life. So so so much world in so much hurt. And little ole Liz just putterin’ around cannot decide what to do with herself.

Jesus said the greatest commandment after loving Him was to love your neighbor.

Glenn Kaiser once said, “The most that you love the least of these is the most you love Jesus.”

Is my loving of those I dislike the most a portrait of my love for Jesus?

Do I show Jesus my love for Him in the way that I am loving others?

Nothing is more fulfilling to me than to a life full of Christ’s love. That is my hope, Christ.

I do not know if this song is about God or Jesus but the words seem to fit how He found me.

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